How Does Moneylion Credit Builder Loan Work

How Does Moneylion Credit Builder Loan Work? (It’s Amazing!)

⚡ A MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan is a small loan that helps you improve your credit score. You borrow a small amount and repay it over time. Your payments are reported to credit bureaus, helping raise your score. It's important to make payments on time, as missed payments can lower your score. This loan doesn't require collateral, so it's important not to borrow more than you can repay.

Navigating the world of credit can be a challenge, especially if you’re starting from scratch or looking to rebuild. With MoneyLion’s innovative Credit Builder Loan, you have an accessible pathway to strengthen your financial footprint.

This article will demystify how this unique loan works, revealing how it empowers your credit-building journey while offering useful tools and benefits along with it. Ready to roar into better credit? Let’s dive in!

📢 Key Takeaways
Short on time? Here’s what you need to understand from this article:
  • MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan is a financial product designed to help individuals build or rebuild their credit by providing access to installment loans.
  • The loan works by reporting payment history to all three major credit bureaus, helping borrowers establish a track record of responsible borrowing behavior.
  • MoneyLion’s no hard credit check policy makes the loan accessible even for those with bad or no existing credit history.
  • The loan funds are disbursed in two parts – a portion is made available immediately, and the remaining amount is held in a Credit Reserve Account.

What is a MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan?

What Is A Moneylion Credit Builder Loan?

A MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan is a financial product offered by MoneyLion as part of their Credit Builder Plus program, designed to help individuals build or rebuild their credit.

Definition and Purpose of a Credit Builder Loan

A Credit Builder Loan is a financial product specifically designed to help individuals establish or rebuild their credit. The purpose of these loans is not so much to fund immediate needs but to create a track record of reliable payments, which major credit bureaus factor into your overall credit score.

MoneyLion’s Credit Builder Plus program offers access to competitive-rate installment loans up to $1,000 and reports payment history directly to the three big credit bureaus. This means that every on-time payment you make improves your credit profile – an essential step in accessing larger financial opportunities down the line.

Furthermore, part of this loan goes towards building savings in a Credit Reserve Account – an added advantage in your financial journey.

Role of MoneyLion in Providing Credit Builder Loans

MoneyLion, a leading player in the fintech sector, offers a unique solution for individuals looking to build or rebuild their credit history. Their tailored product, known as Credit Builder Plus, is specifically designed to boost credit scores by providing an installment loan of up to $1,000.

This innovative feature not only provides financial relief but also assists borrowers in paving their way towards better money management and improved creditworthiness.

Appreciated for its no hard credit check policy, MoneyLion’s approach allows access even to those with bad or no existing credit record. Furthermore, each member’s monthly payment history gets reported to all three major credit bureaus – Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax – thus steadily enhancing their overall Credit Score Impact.

With automatic payments facilitated through the RoarMoney account or MoneyLion Debit Mastercard®, this process becomes stress-free as members can focus more on building their financial frugality instead of constantly worrying about deadlines.

How Does MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan Work?

How Does Moneylion Credit Builder Loan Work?

MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan works by providing individuals with access to installment loans that help build credit through positive payment history and savings.

Process of Obtaining a MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan

Acquiring a MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan requires going through a few straightforward steps, even for those with less-than-perfect credit.

  1. The first step is signing up for the Credit Builder Plus membership, which costs $19.99 per month.
  2. The next phase involves applying for a loan directly through their mobile app or website.
  3. Unlike traditional loans, no hard credit check is required; hence it doesn’t impact your credit score.
  4. Applicants are subject to certain eligibility requirements, such as being at least 18 years old and a U.S citizen or permanent resident.
  5. Once you’re approved, part of your loan funds becomes instantly available in your account while the rest is held in a Credit Reserve Account.
  6. As you make timely monthly payments, MoneyLion reports your payment history to all three major credit bureaus – Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion, helping build up your credit history.
  7. Following successful repayments of the loan amount, access to the funds in the Credit Reserve Account is provided.
  8. It’s important to note that even though good or previous credit history isn’t required to obtain this loan, regularly monitoring your progress will help you better understand where improvements can be made.
  9. In case of any difficulties making payments, it’s advisable to contact MoneyLion customer service for assistance before missing or delaying payment, as this could affect your credit score negatively.

Role of Credit Reporting Bureaus

Credit reporting bureaus, such as Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax, play a crucial role in the MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan process. These bureaus collect and maintain credit information on individuals to create credit reports.

When you make payments on your Credit Builder Loan, MoneyLion reports your payment history to these bureaus each month. This means that by making timely payments, you can build positive payment history and potentially improve your credit score over time.

It’s important to note that MoneyLion does not have control over how the credit bureaus calculate credit scores, as they independently determine them based on various factors, including payment history and credit utilization.

Importance of Payment History in Credit Score Calculation

Your payment history plays a crucial role in determining your credit score. It is one of the most significant factors that credit reporting bureaus consider when calculating your creditworthiness.

Making timely loan payments and consistently paying your bills on time demonstrates to lenders that you are responsible for managing your finances. This positive payment history can boost your credit score over time and improve your overall creditworthiness.

On the other hand, late or missed payments can have a negative impact on your credit score, making it more challenging to access affordable loans and financial products in the future.

Access a Portion of Your Loan Funds Right Away

With MoneyLion’s Credit Builder Plus program, you can access a portion of your loan funds right away. Once approved for the loan, a part of the funds is disbursed upfront, allowing you to use it immediately for any financial needs or emergencies that may arise.

The remaining amount is held in a Credit Reserve Account, which helps build your credit as you make timely repayments. This feature sets MoneyLion apart from traditional loans and gives borrowers the flexibility they need while actively working towards improving their credit score.

Get Funds While Building Credit

With the MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan, you can access funds while working on building your credit. When you are approved for the loan, a portion of the funds is made available to you right away, allowing you to use it for any immediate financial needs or emergencies.

The remaining amount is kept in a Credit Reserve Account as collateral. As you make on-time payments towards your loan, your payment history is reported to the major credit bureaus (Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax).

This means that not only are you able to get the funds you need but also establish positive payment history and boost your credit score over time. It’s an excellent opportunity to improve your financial situation while gaining access to necessary funds.

Key Features of MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan

How Does Moneylion Credit Builder Loan Work

MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan offers several key features to help individuals build credit and improve their financial health.

Overview of the Main Features of the Loan

The MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan offers a range of main features aimed at helping individuals build or rebuild their credit. One key feature is the competitive-rate installment loan, which allows members to borrow up to $1,000.

This loan not only provides immediate access to a portion of the funds but also holds the remaining amount in a Credit Reserve Account. Importantly, your monthly payment history on this loan is reported to all three major credit bureaus – Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax.

This means that making timely payments can have a positive impact on your credit score over time. Plus, as part of the membership benefits in the Credit Builder Plus program, you also gain access to 0% APR cash advances of up to $300 per pay period and potential rewards through MoneyLion’s Lion’s Share Loyalty Program.

MoneyLion’s No Credit Check Policy

MoneyLion’s Credit Builder Plus program stands out with its no credit check policy, making it accessible to individuals regardless of their credit history. Unlike traditional lenders who rely heavily on credit scores, MoneyLion takes a more inclusive approach by focusing on a member’s overall financial health and ability to repay the loan.

This means that even if you have a limited or poor credit history, you can still qualify for membership and benefit from the program’s features and benefits. By removing the barrier of strict credit checks, MoneyLion is committed to helping individuals build or rebuild their credit in an inclusive and supportive way.

Instant Approvals and Funding with MoneyLion

With MoneyLion’s Credit Builder Plus program, you can experience the convenience of instant approvals and funding. When applying for a MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan, there are no lengthy approval processes or waiting periods.

Once you meet the eligibility criteria and complete the simple application process, you’ll receive an instant decision on your loan application. If approved, a portion of your loan funds will be disbursed right away, allowing you immediate access to the money you need while building credit.

This quick and hassle-free process ensures that you can start working towards improving your credit score without any delays. It’s a convenient way to obtain funds while also building positive payment history – two birds with one stone!

Making Repayments and the Importance of Timely Payments

Making timely repayments is a crucial aspect of MoneyLion’s Credit Builder Plus program. It emphasizes the importance of establishing a positive payment history to build or rebuild credit.

By consistently making on-time payments, members can demonstrate their financial responsibility and boost their credit score over time. These payment behaviors are reported to major credit bureaus like Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax, helping individuals establish a solid credit profile.

The program’s user-friendly app provides reminders and notifications to ensure that members stay on track with their repayment schedule. Through this commitment to timely payments, individuals can take control of their financial future and work towards achieving their goals.”.

Other Benefits of Becoming a MoneyLion Credit Builder Plus Member

Besides the obvious advantages of building credit and accessing loan funds, there are several other benefits to becoming a MoneyLion Credit Builder Plus member. Firstly, members have the opportunity to participate in the Lion’s Share Loyalty Program, where they can earn rewards of up to $19.99 per month.

This program offers a unique way for members to further enhance their financial well-being while working towards improving their credit score.

Secondly, Credit Builder Plus members have access to 0% APR cash advances through Instacash, providing them with a safety net during unexpected expenses or emergencies. With up to $300 available per pay period, this feature allows members to manage their finances more effectively and avoid costly alternative borrowing options.

Lastly, Credit Builder Plus membership is designed for inclusivity. It does not require a good credit history or any credit history at all, making it accessible for individuals looking to improve their creditworthiness regardless of their past financial mistakes or lack of credit experience.

How the Loan Can Lead to Savings in Interest Over Time

When you take out a MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan, you not only have the opportunity to build your credit but also potentially save on interest over time. As you make timely payments towards your loan, your payment history is reported to the major credit bureaus, allowing you to demonstrate responsible borrowing behavior.

This can lead to an improved credit score and open doors to better financial opportunities in the future.

Additionally, as part of the Credit Builder Plus membership, a portion of your loan funds are held in a Credit Reserve Account while the rest is disbursed upfront. The funds saved in this account may generate interest at prevailing market rates.

So not only are you building savings while repaying your loan, but you also have the potential to earn additional money over time.

How MoneyLion Helps Build Credit

MoneyLion helps build credit by providing members with access to competitive-rate installment loans and reporting their monthly payment history to the three major credit bureaus.

Overview of How the Loan Helps Improve Credit Score

MoneyLion’s Credit Builder Plus program offers a loan designed to help individuals improve their credit scores. By making timely payments on the loan, members can demonstrate positive payment history, which is a crucial factor in credit scoring models.

Through this process, members can potentially see an increase in their credit score over time. Additionally, since the loan funds are partially disbursed upfront and held in a Credit Reserve Account, members have the opportunity to build savings while building credit.

This combination of responsible borrowing and saving can lead to improved financial health and future opportunities for obtaining favorable interest rates on loans and other financial products.

Monitor Your Credit

As a MoneyLion Credit Builder Plus member, you have the opportunity to monitor your credit score and track your progress towards building better credit. With access to the MoneyLion app, you can easily keep an eye on your credit profile and see how it evolves over time.

This feature allows you to stay informed about any changes in your credit history, giving you a clear understanding of what factors may be impacting your score. By monitoring your credit regularly, you can identify areas for improvement and take action accordingly.

Plus, with personalized credit-building insights provided by MoneyLion, you’ll receive tips and guidance tailored to help you boost your score even further. Remember that more than half of Credit Builder Plus members raise their credit score by 27 points within just 60 days! So start monitoring your progress today and take control of building the healthy credit profile you deserve.

Track Your Progress

As a MoneyLion Credit Builder Plus member, you have the valuable opportunity to track your progress in building credit. Through the user-friendly MoneyLion app, you can conveniently monitor your credit score and keep an eye on key factors that impact it, such as your credit utilization.

This feature allows you to stay informed about how your financial habits are positively influencing your creditworthiness over time. By tracking your progress regularly, you can see firsthand the improvements being made and feel motivated to continue building a stronger credit profile.

Remember, over half of Credit Builder Plus members witness a substantial increase of 27 points in their credit scores within just 60 days!

Costs Involved with MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan

MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan has competitive interest rates and costs associated with the loan. To learn more about the specific costs involved and how they can impact your credit-building journey, continue reading.

Costs and Interest Rates

The cost to become a MoneyLion Credit Builder Plus member is relatively straightforward, with a subscription fee and interest rates on loans as key components. Here’s a breakdown of these expenses:

Membership FeeMoneyLion charges a monthly membership fee of $19.99, which gives you access to a range of features including competitive-rate installment loans up to $1,000.
Interest RatesThe interest rate on the Credit Builder loan is included in your monthly loan payment. This payment encapsulates both the principal payment and interest due, making it easy for members to manage their loan repayments.

Additionally, the funds in your Credit Reserve Account may generate interest at prevailing market rates. This is a bonus benefit that can offset some of the costs of your loan over time. It’s important to note that the portion of your loan held in the Credit Reserve Account is available to you once you’ve paid off your loan in full. This combination of loan repayment, membership fees, and potential account interest forms the basis of the costs associated with a MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan.

Pros and Cons of MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan


– Helps individuals build or rebuild credit, even with no credit history or poor credit.

– Monthly payment history reported to major credit bureaus, improving credit score over time.

– Offers access to installment loans up to $1,000 for immediate funds and building credit simultaneously.

– No hard credit check required for eligibility.

– Includes features like 0% APR cash advances and rewards through the Lion’s Share Loyalty Program.


– Membership fee of $19.99 per month for Credit Builder Plus program.

– Loan funds are partially disbursed upfront, with the remainder held in a Credit Reserve Account.

– Costly if not used responsibly, as high annual percentage rates (APR) apply to loans.

That’s all you need to know about the pros and cons of MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan!

Advantages and Disadvantages

The MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan has a range of advantages and disadvantages that potential users should consider.

Designed to assist people with no credit history or those struggling to access traditional financial products.The monthly membership fee of $19.99 might be too costly for some individuals.
Allows for competitive-rate installment loans of up to $1,000 to build credit through positive payment history and saving.A $1,000 loan limit may not meet everyone’s financial needs.
A portion of the loan is provided upfront with the rest held in a Credit Reserve Account.Members don’t have immediate access to the full loan amount as funds are dispensed in increments.
Payment history is reported to three major credit bureaus, helping improve members’ credit scores.Failing to make payments on time can negatively impact credit scores.
Offers 0% APR cash advances, up to $300 per pay period, assisting in managing finances.Despite being helpful, the 0% APR cash advances might encourage reliance on short-term loans, potentially leading to financial dependency.
Members can earn rewards through the Lion’s Share Loyalty Program, with potential monthly payouts of up to $19.99.The Lion’s Share Loyalty Program rewards are capped at $19.99 per month, which may not be significant for some members.
Eligibility is open to all US citizens or permanent residents aged 18 or above, possessing a Social Security number, and a bank account, debit card, or prepaid card.Certain individuals may be excluded from accessing the Credit Builder Loan due to eligibility criteria such as being a US citizen or permanent resident.

It is essential to consider these factors and determine whether the MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan aligns with your specific financial needs and circumstances.

Application Process for MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan

To apply for a MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan, simply download the MoneyLion app, create an account, and provide your personal information, including your Social Security number and bank account details.

Eligibility Criteria for the Loan

To be eligible for a MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan, you must meet the following criteria: you must be at least 18 years old, a US citizen or permanent resident, and have a valid Social Security number.

In addition, you need to have a bank account, debit card, or prepaid card to receive your loan funds. Unlike traditional loans, qualifying for the Credit Builder Plus membership does not require good credit or any credit history.

These simple eligibility requirements make it accessible for individuals who are looking to build or improve their credit score.

Step-by-Step Guide to the Application Process

To apply for a MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan and become a Credit Builder Plus member, follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit the MoneyLion website or download the MoneyLion mobile app from your app store.
  2. Click on the “Join Credit Builder Plus” button on the homepage or in the app.
  3. Provide your personal information, including your full name, date of birth, and Social Security number.
  4. Enter your contact details, such as your email address and phone number.
  5. Create a unique username and password to secure your account.
  6. Connect an eligible bank account, debit card, or prepaid card to use for loan funding and repayments.
  7. Review and agree to MoneyLion’s terms and conditions, privacy policy, and electronic consent agreements.
  8. Complete a soft credit pull to verify your identity (this will not affect your credit score).
  9. Once you’ve completed the application process, you will receive an instant decision on whether you are approved for a Credit Builder Loan.
  • MoneyLion does not require good credit or any credit history to qualify for the Credit Builder Plus membership.
  • MoneyLion’s Credit Builder Plus membership costs $19.99 per month.
  • The membership includes access to competitive – rate installment loans up to $1,000.
  • Monthly payment history is reported to the three major credit bureaus.
  • Applicants must be at least 18 years old, a US citizen or permanent resident, have a Social Security number, and have a bank account, debit card, or prepaid card.
  • Qualifying for the Credit Builder Plus membership does not require good credit or any credit history.

Alternatives to MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan

Other credit builder loans available in the market can be considered as alternatives to the MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan. Additionally, secured credit cards, unsecured credit cards for bad credit, secured personal loans, and becoming an authorized user on someone else’s credit card are other options worth exploring.

Overview of Other Options for Building Credit

If you’re looking for alternatives to MoneyLion’s Credit Builder Loan, there are several options available to help you build your credit. Secured credit cards are one option, where you provide a security deposit that becomes your spending limit.

This can be a good choice if you’re just starting out or have bad credit. Another alternative is becoming an authorized user on someone else’s credit card, which allows their positive payment history to benefit your credit score.

Additionally, secured personal loans and unsecured credit cards for bad credit may also be worth considering. It’s important to explore these options and choose the one that best fits your financial situation and goals.

Other Credit Builder Loans

Another option for those looking to build their credit is to explore other credit builder loans available in the market. These loans are specifically designed to help individuals establish or improve their credit score.

Similar to MoneyLion’s Credit Builder Plus membership, these loans work by providing borrowers with funds that they repay over time, and the repayment history is reported to credit bureaus.

By making timely payments, borrowers can show responsible financial behavior and boost their credit scores. It’s important to compare different lenders and loan terms to find the best option for your needs and financial situation.

Other Credit Builder Loans Available in the Market

The market is rife with various credit builder loans, each offering unique features tailored to meet different needs. Let’s explore some of the popular alternatives to the MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan in the table below.

Loan ProviderDescription
Self (formerly Self Lender)Self offers credit builder loans that don’t require an initial deposit. Monthly deposits are made into a Certificate of Deposit, which is redeemable at the end of the loan term.
Credit StrongCredit Strong provides installment loans that are held in a locked savings account. Monthly payments build credit and savings simultaneously.
KikoffKikoff’s credit builder loan is essentially an interest-free online installment loan. Payments are reported to all major credit bureaus, leading to a boost in users’ credit scores.
Experian BoostExperian Boost isn’t a loan but a way to get credit for your phone and utility bills. By linking your bank account, Experian verifies these payments and adds them to your credit report.

Remember, when choosing an alternative to MoneyLion’s Credit Builder Loan, it’s essential to consider the potential costs, payment terms, and whether or not the lender reports to all three major credit bureaus.

Secured Credit Cards

Secured credit cards can be a viable alternative for individuals looking to build or rebuild their credit. Unlike traditional credit cards, secured credit cards require a security deposit that acts as collateral in case you default on payments.

This deposit also determines your spending limit and serves as protection for the card issuer. By responsibly using a secured credit card and making timely payments, you can demonstrate good financial habits and improve your credit score over time.

It’s important to note that not all secured credit cards report to all three major credit bureaus, so it’s crucial to choose one that does to maximize the impact on your credit history.

Using Secured Credit Cards as an Alternative

Secured credit cards can be a great alternative to MoneyLion’s Credit Builder Loan for individuals looking to build or rebuild their credit. With secured credit cards, you make an initial deposit that serves as collateral for your spending limit.

This deposit is typically equal to the card’s credit limit and acts as security for the lender in case of non-payment.

Using a secured credit card responsibly by making timely payments and keeping your balance low can help improve your credit score over time. The key benefit of using these cards is that they report your payment history to the major credit bureaus, just like traditional credit cards.

This means that if you consistently make on-time payments, it will have a positive impact on your credit score.

Unlike MoneyLion’s Credit Builder Loan, secured credit cards do not require a monthly fee or involvement with loan agreements. However, it’s important to choose a reputable issuer with transparent fees and interest rates.

Unsecured Credit Cards for Bad Credit

Unsecured credit cards for bad credit are a popular alternative for individuals looking to rebuild their credit. Unlike secured credit cards that require a security deposit, unsecured cards don’t need collateral.

These cards offer the opportunity to establish or improve credit by making on-time payments and keeping balances low. While interest rates and fees may be higher than traditional credit cards, responsible use can lead to increased credit score over time.

Companies such as MoneyLion understand the importance of providing these options and offer resources like their Credit Builder Plus membership to help individuals with bad or no credit history take steps towards financial success.

How Unsecured Credit Cards Can Help Those with Bad Credit

Unsecured credit cards can be a valuable tool for individuals with bad credit who are seeking to rebuild their credit. Unlike secured cards that require a security deposit, unsecured credit cards do not require collateral.

By responsibly using an unsecured credit card and making timely payments, individuals can demonstrate positive payment history to the credit bureaus, which is crucial for improving their credit score.

Additionally, using an unsecured card responsibly can help establish a longer credit history and lower the overall utilization rate, both of which are important factors in calculating a person’s credit score.

Secured Personal Loans

Secured personal loans are a type of loan that requires collateral to secure the funds borrowed. Unlike unsecured loans, where no collateral is needed, secured personal loans offer lenders added security by holding an asset as collateral, such as a car or property.

This collateral serves as a guarantee for repayment and can be seized by the lender if the borrower defaults on the loan. The advantage of secured personal loans is that they often come with lower interest rates compared to unsecured options since there is less risk involved for the lender.

Additionally, these types of loans can be helpful for individuals looking to build credit or improve their credit score through consistent and timely repayments. MoneyLion’s Credit Builder Plus program offers secured personal loans as part of its credit-building strategy, allowing members to borrow up to $1,000 while simultaneously building positive payment history and savings in a Credit Reserve Account.

Overview of Secured Personal Loans as an Alternative

Secured personal loans can be a viable alternative for individuals looking to build their credit. With secured personal loans, borrowers offer collateral, such as a vehicle or savings account, which reduces the risk for lenders and increases the chances of approval.

These loans typically have lower interest rates compared to unsecured options since they are backed by an asset. By making timely payments on a secured personal loan, borrowers can demonstrate responsibility and improve their credit score over time.

MoneyLion’s Credit Builder Plus program offers another avenue for building credit but is not reliant on collateral like secured personal loans. Instead, it focuses on positive payment history and responsible financial habits to help individuals boost their creditworthiness and unlock better loan terms in the future.

Authorized User

One alternative to MoneyLion’s Credit Builder Loan is becoming an authorized user on someone else’s credit card. By doing so, individuals can piggyback off the primary cardholder’s positive payment history and credit utilization.

This means that the authorized user can benefit from the responsible credit usage of the primary cardholder, potentially boosting their own credit score. It’s important to note that not all credit card companies report authorized users’ activity to the credit bureaus, so it’s crucial to confirm this before pursuing this avenue for building credit.

Building Credit as an Authorized User on Someone Else’s Credit Card

If you’re looking for an alternative to MoneyLion’s Credit Builder Loan, one option is building credit as an authorized user on someone else’s credit card. This strategy allows you to piggyback off their positive payment history and boost your own credit score.

By being added as an authorized user, the primary cardholder’s responsible credit behavior can reflect positively on your credit report. This means that if they make timely payments and keep their credit utilization low, it can help improve your own creditworthiness.

It’s important to note that not all issuers report authorized user activity, so make sure to confirm with the primary cardholder before pursuing this option.

Our Takeaway

In conclusion, the MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan offers individuals a unique opportunity to build or rebuild their credit while also providing access to much-needed funds. With its no credit check policy and easy application process, MoneyLion makes it convenient for anyone to start working towards improving their credit score.

The added benefits of credit monitoring, personalized insights, and cash advances further enhance the overall credit-building experience. Whether you have no credit history or are looking to repair your existing one, the MoneyLion Credit Builder Loan is a valuable tool that can help you achieve your financial goals.

Article Sources & Helpful Links

Here are some helpful links that may help you learn more:

  1. MoneyLion Official Website: The official website of MoneyLion, a financial technology company that offers lending, financial advisory, and investment services to consumers.
  2. MoneyLion Instacash: MoneyLion’s Instacash service, which provides users with an advance on their paycheck.
  3. MoneyLion Instacash Terms and Conditions: The terms and conditions for MoneyLion’s Instacash service.
  4. MoneyLion Help Center: The official help center for MoneyLion, providing answers to common questions and support for users.
  5. MoneyLion Contact Us: The contact page for MoneyLion, providing various ways to get in touch with their support team.
  6. MoneyLion on Google Play Store: The MoneyLion app on the Google Play Store, where users can download and install the app on their Android devices.
  7. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Credit Builder Loans: An article from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau explaining what a credit builder loan is and how it works.
  8. MoneyLion on Apple App Store: The MoneyLion app on the Apple App Store, where users can download and install the app on their iOS devices.

How Does Moneylion Credit Builder Loan Work (FAQs)

What is a Moneylion Credit Builder Loan?

A Moneylion Credit Builder Loan is a loan offered by Moneylion that is designed to help you build credit and improve your credit score.

How does a Moneylion Credit Builder Loan work?

When you apply for a Moneylion Credit Builder Loan, the loan amount is deposited into a secure Credit Reserve Account. You then make fixed monthly payments, and the payments are reported to the three major credit bureaus, which can help you establish a credit history and improve your credit score.

How can a Moneylion Credit Builder Loan help my credit score?

A Moneylion Credit Builder Loan can help your credit score by establishing a positive payment history. Your payment history is one of the key credit factors that lenders consider when determining your creditworthiness.

Can I apply for a Moneylion Credit Builder Loan if I have a low credit score?

Yes, you can apply for a Moneylion Credit Builder Loan even if you have a low credit score. Moneylion does not require a credit check when you apply for a Credit Builder Loan.

How long do I need to have a Credit Builder Loan?

The length of time you need to have a Credit Builder Loan varies depending on your individual credit situation. Moneylion recommends keeping the loan for at least 12 months to see the greatest impact on your credit score.

What happens after I pay off my Credit Builder Loan?

After you pay off your Credit Builder Loan, the funds in your Credit Reserve Account are released to you. You can then use the funds for any purpose you choose.

Does taking out a Credit Builder Loan require a hard credit inquiry?

No, taking out a Credit Builder Loan does not require a hard credit inquiry. Moneylion does not perform a hard credit check when you apply for a Credit Builder Loan.

Can a Moneylion Credit Builder Loan be used to build credit if I already have a low credit score?

Yes, a Moneylion Credit Builder Loan can be used to help you build credit even if you already have a low credit score. The loan payments are reported to the credit bureaus, which can have a positive impact on your credit score over time.

What other benefits does the Moneylion Credit Builder Plus give?

In addition to helping you build credit, the Moneylion Credit Builder Plus offers other benefits such as access to a Moneylion investment account, credit monitoring tools, and personalized financial advice.

How can I apply for a Moneylion Credit Builder Loan?

To apply for a Moneylion Credit Builder Loan, you need to create a Moneylion account and complete the application process. The application is online and can be completed without a credit check.

James Allen, a finance enthusiast with 10+ years of experience, founded Billpin in 2020 to demystify personal finance. Inspired by his mother’s frugality and his own financial expertise, James aims to transform people’s relationship with money. Through this site, he provides easy-to-understand guides, empowering individuals to manage their finances effectively and take control of their financial future.

Content Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are the authors alone, not those of any companies mentioned, and have not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities.

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