How To Get Cash Advance From First Premier Credit Card

How to Get Cash Advance from First Premier Credit Card Now!

⚡ To get a cash advance from your First Premier Credit Card, you can use an ATM. Insert your card, enter your PIN, and select the cash advance option. Then, input the amount you want. Alternatively, you can present your card and photo ID at a financial institution that displays the Visa/MasterCard logo.

Are you stumped on how to get a cash advance from your First Premier Credit Card? You’re not alone! I’ve been down that road, and with the high interest rates of 36% associated with these advances, it sure can be confusing.

This article simplifies the process for you by providing a detailed walkthrough on getting your cash advance and tips to minimize its cost. Ready to unravel this mystery? Let’s dive in!

📢 Key Takeaways
Short on time? Here’s what you need to understand from this article:
  • Getting a cash advance from your First Premier Credit Card is simple: you can withdraw money from an ATM using your credit card PIN or request a cash advance through the online banking portal or by calling customer service.
  • To minimize the cost of a cash advance, pay off the advance as soon as possible to avoid accruing high interest,, and keep an eye on your credit limit to avoid over-limit fees.
  • Consider alternatives to a cash advance, such as personal loans with lower interest rates and longer repayment terms or peer-to-peer payment apps like Venmo or Square Cash for short-term financial needs.
  • The First Premier Credit Card is specifically designed for individuals with low credit scores who may not qualify for other unsecured credit cards.

How To Get Cash Advance From A First Premier Credit


How To Get Cash Advance From A First Premier Credit Card

Getting a cash advance from your First Premier Credit Card is simple: you can withdraw money from an ATM using your credit card PIN, or you can request a cash advance through the online banking portal or by calling customer service.

Step-by-Step Process

Understanding the process to get a cash advance from your First Premier Credit Card is crucial, particularly if you’re faced with an unexpected expense. Follow these steps to navigate through the procedure smoothly:

  1. Be certain about your decision: Before initiating a cash advance, be aware that it comes with a transaction fee and higher interest rates. This should be your last resort for getting cash in hand.
  2. Check your available credit: Examine your current credit balance to ensure it can accommodate the sum you wish to withdraw plus associated charges.
  3. Locate an ATM: Find an ATM that accepts credit cards for cash advances. Remember, not all ATMs provide this service.
  4. Insert your card: Insert the First Premier Bank Credit Card into the ATM.
  5. Enter PIN: Key in your credit card PIN number when prompted by the machine.
  6. Select ‘Credit’: Depending on the machine, choose ‘Credit’ instead of ‘Debit’.
  7. Choose ‘Cash Advance’: If given options after selecting credit, choose ‘Cash Advance’.
  8. Enter Cash Amount: Key in the amount of money you’d like to withdraw as a cash advance without exceeding 10% of your total credit limit.
  9. Confirm and Collect Cash: Confirm all details on the screen before proceeding to collect your cash along with any printed receipts.
  10. Prompt Repayment: Plan for prompt repayment of the advanced amount to avoid high-interest charges and potential negative effects on your credit scores.
  11. Monitor Your Account Activity: Keep track of this withdrawal along with other transactions on your account for record purposes and fraud prevention considerations.

Tips To Minimize The Cost Of A Cash Advance

To keep costs in check while getting a cash advance from your First Premier Bank Credit Card, several strategies can be employed. Pay off the advance as soon as possible to avoid accruing high interest; remember, unlike regular card purchases, there’s no grace period for cash advances.

You are charged interest from the very day you withdraw the money.

Another tip is to keep an eye on your credit limit and not surpass it because over-limit fees could inflate your debt further. It will also help if you steer clear of using ATMs that aren’t in line with First Premier Bank’s network since these might levy additional charges on top of the standard cash advance fee imposed by the bank, which stands at $8 or 5% of the amount.

Lastly, consider other forms of short-term lending, such as personal loans or peer-to-peer payment apps like Venmo or Square Cash, before resorting to a credit card cash advance—even though these options require some level of planning and aren’t as immediate.

The financial consequences can be significantly less burdensome than those associated with a credit card cash withdrawal. These small steps will help maintain control of your financial journey while minimizing potential negative effects on your credit scores and overall customer experience with First Premier Bank Credit Card services.

Alternatives To A Cash Advance

Taking a cash advance from your First Premier Bank Credit Card could be an easy but expensive option. Before resorting to this, consider more cost-effective alternatives. You might want to look into personal loans, which typically have lower interest rates compared with cash advances on credit cards, and they offer longer repayment terms too.

Moreover, you may explore peer-to-peer payment apps like Venmo or Square Cash for short-term financial needs. These apps can be linked directly to your bank account for quick transfers without the hefty fees associated with a credit card cash advance.

For emergencies, try using other sources of available credit such as another credit card with lower transaction fees or even better, if possible, use debit cards for instant access to saved money without any financial consequences akin to high-interest rates or negative effects on credit scores that come along when taking out a cash advance from your First Premier Bank Credit Card.

Remember that every financial decision impacts your financial journey, so read through the terms and conditions thoroughly and seek advice from a trusted financial expert before making choices affecting your finances.

Overview Of The First Premier Credit Card

Overview Of The First Premier Credit Card

The First Premier Credit Card is specifically designed for individuals with low credit scores who may not qualify for other unsecured credit cards.

Card Issuer

First Premier Bank is the issuer of the First Premier Credit Card. They specialize in providing credit cards to individuals with low credit scores who may have difficulty qualifying for other unsecured credit cards.

With a range of credit limits from $300 to $1,000, depending on your creditworthiness, First Premier gives you an opportunity to build or rebuild your credit. It’s important to note that this card does not offer rewards or lower fees, so it’s crucial to use it responsibly and pay off balances promptly to avoid unnecessary charges and interest fees.

Cobranded Cards

One thing you should know about the First Premier Bank Credit Card is that it doesn’t offer any cobranded cards. A cobranded credit card is a collaboration between a credit card issuer and another company, such as an airline or retailer.

These cards typically offer special rewards and benefits specific to that partnership. However, with the First Premier Bank Credit Card, there are no options for cobranded cards available. This means you won’t be able to take advantage of any exclusive perks associated with partnering companies.

While this may be disappointing for some consumers, it’s important to remember that the primary focus of this credit card is providing access to credit for individuals with low credit scores rather than offering specialized partnerships or rewards programs.

Reward Programs

The First Premier Credit Card, unfortunately, does not offer any reward programs. This means that you won’t earn any points or cash back on your purchases with this card. While some credit cards provide perks and incentives to cardholders, the First Premier Credit Card focuses more on catering to individuals with low credit scores who may have limited options when it comes to obtaining a credit card.

So if rewards are an important factor for you when choosing a credit card, it’s worth considering other options that offer more attractive benefits.

Who Is The First Premier Credit Card For?

Who Is The First Premier Credit Card For?

The First Premier Credit Card is specifically designed for individuals with low credit scores who may not qualify for other unsecured credit cards. Discover more about the eligibility requirements and benefits of this card.

Credit Score Requirement

To get a First Premier Bank Credit Card, there is no minimum credit score requirement. This means that even if you have a low credit score, you still have the opportunity to be approved for this card.

However, it’s important to note that not all applicants will be accepted. The First Premier Bank Credit Card is specifically designed for consumers with low credit scores who may not qualify for most other unsecured credit cards.

So, if your credit score isn’t where you want it to be, don’t worry – this card could still be an option for you to build or rebuild your credit history.

Payment History

I understand that your payment history plays a crucial role when it comes to your credit score and overall financial health. For First Premier cardholders like us, maintaining a good payment history is essential.

Timely payments show lenders and credit bureaus that we are responsible borrowers.

By making consistent on-time payments, we demonstrate our ability to manage our finances effectively. This positive payment history can help improve our credit scores over time. On the other hand, late or missed payments can have negative consequences, potentially leading to increased interest rates, additional fees, and even damage to our creditworthiness.

It’s important for us as First Premier cardholders to prioritize timely payments each month. By staying diligent with our payment schedules and not exceeding our credit limit, we can establish a strong payment history that reflects positively on our financial reputation.

Credit Utilization

One important factor that affects your credit score is credit utilization, which refers to the percentage of your available credit that you are using. For example, if you have a $500 credit limit on your First Premier Bank Credit Card and have charged $250, your credit utilization would be 50%.

It is generally recommended to keep your credit utilization below 30% to maintain a healthy credit score. This means it’s important to be mindful of how much you’re charging on the card and try not to exceed this threshold.

By keeping your credit utilization low, you can show lenders that you are responsible with managing your available credit and increase the likelihood of qualifying for better financial opportunities in the future.

How To Use The First Premier Credit Card

To use the First Premier Credit Card, simply make purchases as you would with any other credit card and pay off your balance each month to avoid interest charges.


When using your First Premier Bank Credit Card for purchases, it’s important to keep a few things in mind. The credit limit for this card will typically range from $300 to $1,000, depending on your creditworthiness.

Remember that the First Premier Bank Credit Card is designed for those with low credit scores who may not qualify for other unsecured cards. This means that the card does not offer rewards or lower fees compared to other options.

Additionally, it’s essential to make timely payments and maintain a good payment history to improve your credit score over time. While the card may have higher interest rates than other options available to you, responsible usage can help you build positive financial habits and potentially qualify for more traditional credit cards down the line.

Cash Advances

When you need quick access to cash, a First Premier Credit Card can provide a convenient solution through cash advances. However, it’s important to understand how they work and consider the associated fees and interest rates.

With a cash advance on your First Premier Credit Card, you can withdraw money from an ATM or request a “cash equivalent” transaction at certain retail locations. Keep in mind that there is typically a cash advance transaction fee of $8 or 5% of the amount, whichever is greater.

Plus, the APR for cash advances is high at 36%. It’s crucial to be mindful of these costs and use this option sparingly and responsibly.

How To Use At An ATM To Withdraw Money

Using your First Premier Credit Card to withdraw money from an ATM is a convenient way to access cash when you need it. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Insert your First Premier Credit Card into the ATM machine.
  2. Enter your personal identification number (PIN) using the keypad provided.
  3. Select the “cash withdrawal” option on the screen.
  4. Enter the desired amount of money you wish to withdraw.
  5. Confirm the transaction and wait for the machine to process your request.
  6. Retrieve your cash from the machine.
  7. Take a moment to check for any receipts or additional documents that may have been printed during the transaction.
  • Cash advances on the First Premier Credit Card come with a cash advance transaction fee of $8 or 5% of the amount, whichever is greater.
  • The initial limit for cash advances on your card is 10% of your credit limit, which may increase up to 50% after 90 days of active account history.
  • Keep in mind that cash advances on credit cards tend to have higher interest rates compared to regular purchases. For First Premier Credit Cards, this interest rate is set at 36%, and it starts accruing immediately upon withdrawal.
  • It’s important to be mindful of how cash advances may impact your credit score. Any borrowed funds through a cash advance will lower your available credit and increase your credit utilization ratio, potentially negatively affecting your credit score.

Fees And Disadvantages Of Cash Advances

Cash advances on the First Premier Bank Credit Card come with a cash advance fee and high-interest rates, making them an expensive option for accessing funds.

Cash Advance Fees

One important thing to consider when using a First Premier Bank Credit Card for cash advances is the associated fees. The card charges a cash advance transaction fee of $8 or 5% of the amount, whichever is greater.

This means that if you need to get cash from your credit card, you’ll have to pay this fee upfront. Keep in mind that these fees can add up quickly, so it’s crucial to be aware of them before making any cash advance transactions with your First Premier Credit Card.

High Interest Rates

I understand that dealing with high-interest rates can be challenging when it comes to using your First Premier Credit Card. It’s important to know that the card has an annual percentage rate (APR) of 36% for both purchases and cash advances.

This means that any balance you carry on your card will accumulate interest at a relatively high rate.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that these high-interest rates can quickly add up, especially if you’re not able to pay off your balances in full each month. That’s why it’s essential to make sure you have a solid plan in place for managing and paying off your credit card debt.

Consider exploring alternative options or strategies such as budgeting, reducing expenses, or seeking assistance from financial advisors, as it is necessary to find ways to minimize the impact of these high-interest rates on your overall financial well-being.

Negative Effects On Credit Scores

Using a cash advance on your First Premier Bank Credit Card can have negative effects on your credit scores. When you take out a cash advance, it lowers the amount of available credit you have on your card, which increases your credit utilization ratio.

Additionally, cash advances typically come with high interest rates, often around 36% APR, which start accruing immediately. This means that if you don’t pay off the cash advance quickly, you could end up paying a significant amount of interest over time.

It’s important to remember that using a cash advance should be viewed as a last resort and alternatives such as using a debit card or getting a personal loan should be considered first to minimize any potential damage to your credit scores.

Understanding The First Premier Credit Card

If you’re looking to understand the ins and outs of the First Premier Credit Card, including how to increase your credit limit and whether or not you should enroll in their credit protection program, read on.

Does First Premier Increase Credit?

First Premier Bank Credit Card is known for its accessibility to consumers with low credit scores, but does it actually help improve your credit? The answer is both yes and no. While using the card responsibly can have a positive impact on your credit score over time, First Premier Bank itself does not offer an automatic credit limit increase or a clear path to graduation to a better credit card.

It’s important to note that maintaining good payment history, keeping low balances, and demonstrating responsible financial behavior are key factors in building your credit. So while First Premier may give you an opportunity to establish or rebuild your credit, it’s ultimately up to you to make the most of it by managing your finances responsibly.

Can I Withdraw Money From My First Premier Bank Credit Card?

Yes, you can withdraw money from your First Premier Bank Credit Card. This is known as a cash advance. However, it’s important to keep in mind that there are fees associated with taking a cash advance on your card.

The First Premier Bank Credit Card charges a cash advance transaction fee of $8 or 5% of the amount, whichever is greater. Additionally, cash advances typically have higher interest rates compared to regular purchases and may negatively impact your credit score if not managed responsibly.

It’s always advisable to explore alternative options before considering a cash advance, such as personal loans or peer-to-peer payment apps like Venmo or Cash App.

Should I Enroll In First Premier’s Credit Protection Program?

As a First Premier cardholder, you may be wondering if it’s worth enrolling in their Credit Protection Program. Here are some key facts to consider. The program offers optional credit protection for a monthly fee of $0.89 for every $100 of your outstanding monthly balance.

While this may seem like a good idea, it’s important to note that the program does come with an additional cost. Furthermore, the First Premier Bank Credit Card already has high fees and interest rates associated with it, so adding on the credit protection could further increase your expenses.

Ultimately, whether or not to enroll in the program depends on your individual financial situation and risk tolerance. It’s essential to carefully evaluate the benefits and costs before making a decision that best suits your needs as a cardholder.

Our Takeaway

In conclusion, getting a cash advance from your First Premier Credit Card can provide quick access to funds. However, it is important to remember that cash advances come with high fees and interest rates.

It is advisable to explore alternative options and use cash advances sparingly to minimize costs and avoid potential financial consequences.

Article Sources & Helpful Links

Here are some helpful links that may help you learn more:

  1. First Premier Customer Care: This is the official customer care page of First Premier Bank, where you can find help and support for your banking needs.
  2. First Premier Online and Mobile Banking: This page provides information about First Premier Bank’s online and mobile banking services.
  3. First Premier Free Plus Checking: This link leads to First Premier Bank’s Free Plus Checking account details.
  4. First Premier Mobile Wallet: This page provides information about First Premier Bank’s mobile wallet services.
  5. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – Credit Cards: This is a resource from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau about managing credit cards.
  6. Federal Reserve – Filing a Complaint Against a Bank: This page from the Federal Reserve provides information on how to file a complaint against a bank.

How to Get Cash Advance from First Premier Credit Card


What is First Premier Credit Card?

First Premier Credit Card is a credit card issued by Premier Bankcard, a subsidiary of First Premier Bank.

Can I take a cash advance from my First Premier Credit Card?

Yes, you can take a cash advance from your First Premier Credit Card, provided you have available credit and your account is in good standing.

What is a cash advance?

A cash advance is a short-term loan taken against your credit card account. The amount you borrow is added to your card balance and accrues interest until paid in full.

How much can I get as a cash advance from my First Premier Credit Card?

The amount of your cash advance is determined by the amount of your credit limit and the amount of available credit you have.

Is there a fee for taking a cash advance?

Yes, there is a fee for taking a cash advance. The fee is usually a percentage of the amount you borrow and is assessed to your credit account.

How do I pay back a cash advance from my First Premier Credit Card?

You can pay back a cash advance from your First Premier Credit Card in the same way you pay back any other credit card balance. You will receive a minimum payment due each billing cycle, and any amount you pay above the minimum payment will be applied to your balance. The cash advance will accrue interest until paid in full.

Is there a risk associated with taking a cash advance from my First Premier Credit Card?

Yes, there is a risk associated with taking a cash advance from your First Premier Credit Card. Cash advances accrue interest from the date they are taken, and the interest rate is usually higher than the rate for purchases. If you don’t pay back the cash advance promptly, the interest charges can quickly add up and make it harder to pay off the balance.

Do I need to have a good credit score to get approved for a First Premier Credit Card?

No, you don’t need to have a good credit score to get approved for a First Premier Credit Card. First Premier Card is designed for people with less-than-perfect credit, and you may still be approved for a credit account even if your credit score is low.

What is a secured credit card?

A secured credit card is a credit card that requires you to put down a security deposit when you open the account. The deposit acts as collateral for the credit account, and is usually equal to the amount of the credit line.

Is a First Premier Credit Card a secured card?

No, a First Premier Credit Card is an unsecured card. This means you are not required to put down a security deposit when you open the account, but you will be assigned a credit limit based on your credit score and other indicators of your creditworthiness.

James Allen, a finance enthusiast with 10+ years of experience, founded Billpin in 2020 to demystify personal finance. Inspired by his mother’s frugality and his own financial expertise, James aims to transform people’s relationship with money. Through this site, he provides easy-to-understand guides, empowering individuals to manage their finances effectively and take control of their financial future.

Content Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are the authors alone, not those of any companies mentioned, and have not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities.

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