
The Average Time Users Spend on Instagram (2023 Statistics)

āš” The article reveals that Instagram users worldwide spend an average of 29 minutes per day on the platform. This time varies based on factors like geographical location, gender, and age. Instagram, being the third most popular social media platform, is a crucial tool for businesses to reach their target audience. Despite trailing Facebook and YouTube in daily usage, Instagram's broad appeal makes it a significant part of many people's daily lives.

In today’s digital age, Instagram has emerged as one of the world’s most popular social media platforms, boasting nearly 1.5 billion users globally. As our society becomes increasingly connected online, understanding user behavior, such as theĀ average time spent on InstagramĀ (currently at 29 minutes daily), is vital for individuals and businesses alike.

In this blog post, we will delve into worldwide trends in usage patterns, factors influencing these habits, comparisons with other social networks such as Facebook and YouTube, and even the impact of COVID-19 on Instagram consumption.

šŸ“¢ Key Takeaways
Short on time? Here’s what you need to understand from this article:
  • Instagram users worldwide spend an average of 29 minutes per day on the platform.
  • Geographical differences, gender, and age cohort preferences affect the amount of time spent on Instagram.
  • Instagram is the third most popular social media platform globally and is a vital tool for businesses to reach their target audience with engaging content.
  • Despite being behind Facebook and YouTube in terms of daily usage, Instagram’s widespread appeal across different demographics makes it an integral part of daily life for many.

The Importance Of Instagram In Social Media

Instagram has rapidly emerged as a force within the social media landscape, boasting an impressive 1.47 billion monthly active users and hosting approximately 95 million photo uploads daily.

As the third most popular social media platform globally, Instagram plays a vital role in the digital marketing world. Consumers spend an average of 29 minutes per day on the app, allowing businesses ample opportunity to reach their target audience with authentic content that fosters user engagement.

Furthermore, Instagram is not just limited to one specific demographic; it enjoys widespread appeal across various age groups and genders. This makes it more accessible for companies aiming to tap into different markets by maintaining a strong online presence through well-targeted campaigns based on user demographics such as location or interests.

Average Time Spent On Instagram

Average Time Spent On Instagram

On average, Instagram users spend approximately 29 minutes per day on the platform, but what factors influence this amount of time spent and how does it compare to other social media platforms? Read on to discover more about the global trends in social media usage and how these impact user behavior on Instagram.

Global trends in average time spent on Instagram demonstrate varying levels of engagement across different regions. The following table highlights some key statistics and trends from around the world.

RegionAverage Time Spent on Instagram (per month)
Global11.2 hours
Turkey21 hours
United States7.7 hours
Europe9.3 hours
Asia-Pacific10.1 hours
Latin America8.4 hours

It is important to note that these figures represent averages and may vary among individual users within each region. With over 3.96 billion people worldwide using social media, platforms like Instagram continue to be an integral part of daily life for many. The average time spent on Instagram has grown to 29 minutes per day, with users spending an increasing amount of their lifetime on social media.

Demographics And User Behavior

Understanding the demographics and user behavior on Instagram is crucial for marketers and businesses looking to tap into its vast user base. In 2022, people around the world spent an average of 12 hours per month using the Instagram mobile app, with notable differences in usage among various countries and genders.

For instance, Turkish users were found to be extremely active on the platform, dedicating a staggering 21.4 hours per month to browsing content on Instagram.

Not only do geographical disparities exist among Instagram’s global users, but gender also plays a role in usage patterns; females spend approximately an hour more than males on social media platforms overall, at 12 hours and 11 minutes compared to men’s average time spent of 10 hours and 58 minutes.

This distinction becomes essential when creating targeted marketing campaigns or evaluating consumer insights based on specific target audiences’ digital behaviors.

In addition to country-specific differences and gendered consumption habits, factors such as age cohort preferences also play a significant role in determining how much time users spend engaging with Instagram content daily.

According to a report published in Statista comparing data from selected markets between the years of 2020-2022, younger smartphone users tend to allocate more screen time towards photo-sharing apps like Instagram ā€“ often prioritizing them over other forms of communication like messaging applications or traditional networking sites such as Facebook or LinkedIn – underscoring just how pervasive this image-centric phenomenon has become since its inception only a decade ago .

Factors Influencing Time Spent On Instagram

Instagram’s algorithm changes, user engagement, and content consumption habits are all factors that influence the amount of time users spend on the platform.

Algorithm Changes

Instagram’s algorithm changes have a significant impact on the time users spend on the app. Instagram frequently updates its algorithm to enhance user experience, including the quality and relevancy of content shown in users’ feeds.

The platform uses several factors to determine what content to show users, such as user engagement with accounts, post timing, post format (e.g., photo or video), and more recently, Reels.

These changes can significantly affect social media metrics such as reach and engagement for influencers and brands.

Content Consumption Habits

Users’ content consumption habits also significantly influence the time spent on Instagram. Instagram users tend to scroll through their feed, watch stories and reels, comment on posts, and engage with followers.

Instagram’s latest algorithm update uses machine learning to predict the type of content that each user is likely to enjoy based on previous interactions with similar types of content.

This means that users are more likely to see posts from accounts they engage with regularly at the top of their feed. Additionally, many users follow influencers or celebrities whose lifestyles they aspire to emulate.

User Engagement

User engagement is a significant factor in determining the time spent on Instagram. The more engaged users are, the longer they tend to spend on the platform. Engagement can be measured by likes, comments, shares, and direct messages sent or received.

For instance, brands with high user engagement tend to have more loyal followers who actively interact with their content and share it with others.

Instagram’s algorithm prioritizes content that receives higher engagement rates for wider distribution among its user base. This means that if a post has many likes and comments compared to others, it is more likely to appear higher up on a user’s feed than posts with lower engagement rates.

User engagement plays a vital role in increasing the average time spent on Instagram as people enjoy interacting with meaningful visual experiences online.

Comparison With Other Social Media Platforms

Comparison With Other Social Media Platforms

Instagram’s average daily use of 29 minutes puts it ahead of Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn and Pinterest. However, the platform is still behind Facebook and YouTube in terms of average time spent per day by users.


Facebook is a dominant player in the realm of social media, with 2.91 billion daily active users who spend an average of 33 minutes per day on the platform. The platform has experienced a decline in usage since 2017, dropping from 39 minutes per day to 33 minutes per day in 2022 in the US. Let’s take a closer look at how Facebook compares to Instagram in terms of average time spent on each platform.

PlatformAverage Time Spent Daily (Minutes)Monthly Active Users (Billions)

Despite the decrease in average time spent on Facebook, the platform still leads Instagram in both daily usage and the number of monthly active users. As the parent company of Instagram, Facebook continues to command a significant presence in the social media landscape.


YouTube stands as a dominant player in the world of social media, with a staggering 2.5 billion monthly active users who spend an impressive 19 minutes per day on average on the platform. The following table highlights key aspects of YouTube’s user base and engagement statistics:

Number of monthly active users2.5 billion
Average time spent daily19 minutes
Percentage of global internet users visiting YouTube monthly43%
Total hours of online video watched per day1 billion
Change in daily usage since 2017Decreased from 38 minutes to 19 minutes

Despite facing intense competition from other social media platforms, YouTube continues to assert its influence as a go-to platform for video content consumption, attracting users from diverse demographics and maintaining a strong presence in the online world.


TikTok has experienced rapid growth, becoming one of the most popular social media platforms worldwide. Its monthly active user base has reached 1 billion, with users spending an average of 32 minutes per day on the app.

Monthly active users1 billion
Average time spent per day32 minutes
Average session duration3 minutes and 32 seconds
Highest average daily use (2022)Typical Android user spends nearly a full day per month
COVID-19 impact on US users33% tried TikTok
Popularity among Gen Z64% take breaks from social networks; 34% quit social media entirely

TikTok’s popularity can be attributed to its engaging short-form video content, attracting users and encouraging higher levels of daily use. The platform has especially resonated with the younger generation, although many Gen Z users are taking breaks or quitting social media altogether. As the platform continues to evolve, it remains to be seen how TikTok will maintain its user base and engagement levels in the face of increasing competition and changing user behavior.


Snapchat is another popular social media platform that presents a unique comparison to Instagram when considering the average time users spend on the app. To better understand this comparison, let us examine some key statistics in the table below.

Average Time Spent per Day29 minutes28 minutes
Average Session Duration7 minutes 37 seconds2 minutes 28 seconds
Average Pages Visited per Session11 pages3 pages

The table shows that, on average, Instagram users spend slightly more time per day (29 minutes) on the platform compared to Snapchat users (28 minutes). Additionally, Instagram users have longer average session durations (7 minutes 37 seconds) and visit more pages per session (11 pages) than their Snapchat counterparts (2 minutes 28 seconds session duration and 3 pages visited per session).


Twitter is an influential social media platform with its unique set of trends and user engagement patterns. The table below showcases the average time spent on Twitter compared to other social media platforms, highlighting its position in the digital landscape.

Social Media PlatformAverage Daily Time Spent (Minutes)Average Session Duration (Minutes:Seconds)Average Pages Visited Per Session
WhatsApp (Android)n/an/an/a

With 31 minutes spent daily on Twitter, its usage statistics are comparable to Instagram, where users spend 29 minutes per day. However, the average visit duration on Twitter is longer, at 10 minutes and 42 seconds, with 11 pages visited per session. This indicates that Twitter users might be more engaged in content consumption and interaction. As the digital landscape evolves, platforms like Twitter and Instagram continue to adapt and refine their user experience, ultimately impacting user behavior and time spent on their apps.

Impact Of COVID-19 On Instagram Usage

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on social media usage, and Instagram is no exception. With lockdowns and isolation measures in place, people turned to Instagram to connect with friends and family, stay informed about the pandemic, and alleviate boredom.

As a result of this increased usage during the pandemic period, Instagram introduced several new features aimed at enhancing user experience while promoting mental health.

These features include tools for managing time spent on the app and reducing or muting notifications.

Brands also adapted their marketing strategies during this period by relying more heavily on influencer partnerships due to changes in consumer behavior resulting from the pandemic’s economic impacts.

Effects Of Time Spent On Instagram

Spending excessive time on Instagram can have significant effects on mental health, consumer behavior, and relationships with brands and influencers.

Mental Health Implications

There has been a growing concern about the impact of excessive Instagram use on mental health. Studies have linked the platform to higher rates of anxiety, depression, and poor sleep quality in young adults.

Instagram can contribute to feelings of inadequacy and lead to negative effects on mental health.

In response to these concerns about excessive use, Instagram added a new feature in 2022 that helps users track their time spent on the app with the goal of reducing overuse.

It’s important for users to limit their time on Instagram and seek support if they experience mental health issues due to its use. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increase in social media usage, including Instagram, as a means of staying connected with others and coping with stress.

However, studies have shown that social media usage can also contribute to feelings of loneliness and social isolation among US adults, especially younger workers and social media users who experience higher levels of loneliness according to a Cigna survey.

Overall though there is no doubt that excessive use or addiction towards any form of digital vice may cause various adverse effects upon different aspects of life including physical & emotional well-being along financial stability amongst many others but still one should look out for themself by utilizing short term strategies like being aware & limiting screentime or long term measures such as seeking help through therapy etc depending upon severity level encountered through frequent or prolonged Social Media Usage especially those concerning platforms like Instagram known for highly curated content promoted frequently by audiences ranging from Followers/Brands/Influencers alike.

Influence On Consumer Behavior

The amount of time people spend on Instagram can have a significant influence on their consumer behavior. With the average daily time spent on Instagram being 29 minutes, users are constantly exposed to content from influencers and brands that they follow, which may impact their purchasing decisions.

Furthermore, social media usage has shown a growth trend since 2012 globally. In North America alone, people spend an average of two hours and six minutes each day engaging with social media platforms.

The typical Instagram user spent approximately 12 hours per month using the app in 2022 – indicating a potential influence on consumer behavior.

Relationship With Influencers And Brands

The relationship between Instagram users and influencers/brands is a significant factor that influences the time spent on the platform. Influencers have become an integral part of Instagram, using their massive followings to promote products and services across various industries.

This strategy has been effective in reaching consumers as 200 million users visit at least one business profile daily.

The growth of social media marketing also contributes to the relationship between influencers and brands on Instagram. Brands are constantly attempting to reach their target audience by partnering with popular influencers who share similar values or interests.

This results in increased exposure for both parties while giving followers access to exclusive promotions, discounts, and even product launches.

Strategies For Managing Time On Instagram

One effective strategy to manage your time on Instagram is by using the app’s built-in time management tools, which can help you set a daily limit and remind you when it’s time to take a break.

Using The App’s Built-in Time Management Tools

Instagram has built-in time management tools that users can use to manage the time they spend on the app. These tools include:

  1. “Your Activity” dashboard: This feature shows how much time users spend on the app daily and weekly. It offers the option to set a daily reminder to limit usage.
  2. Mute notifications: Users can mute notifications from specific accounts, helping them focus on important things instead of getting constantly distracted by Instagram notifications.
  3. Turn off notifications: Users can turn off notifications for periods when they want to disconnect from the app entirely, allowing them to take a break and avoid excessive social media usage.
  4. Set daily reminders: Instagram also allows users to set a timer for individual sessions on the app, after which they receive a notification reminding them to take a break from using Instagram.
  5. Restrict account activity: The app’s “Restrict” feature allows users to limit interaction with certain accounts that may be causing stress or anxiety, promoting healthier social media habits overall.

By making use of these features, users can better manage their time on Instagram and reduce negative impacts that excessive social media usage can have such as internalizing and externalizing problems among US youth mentioned in [IMPORTANT FACTS].

Setting Personal Limits

Individuals can manage their time spent on Instagram by setting personal limits using the following strategies:

  1. Set a specific time limit for daily usage, such as 30 minutes or an hour.
  2. Take breaks from social media by turning off notifications and limiting usage during certain hours of the day.
  3. Use tools to track time spent on the app, such as Instagram’s built-in time management features or third-party apps like Moment or Forest.
  4. Prioritize meaningful interactions with friends and family rather than aimlessly scrolling through the app.
  5. Consider taking an extended break from social media altogether to reset and refocus on other activities.

By setting personal limits, individuals can ensure a healthy balance of screen time and other activities while still enjoying the benefits of using Instagram. According to important facts, excessive social media use has been linked to negative impacts on mental health, so it is essential to be mindful of time spent on these platforms.

Balancing With Other Activities

Balancing time spent on Instagram with other activities is critical to avoiding excessive social media use. Here are some strategies for doing so:

  • Set a daily limit for using the app and stick to it.
  • Use Instagram during designated downtime, such as during your lunch break or while commuting.
  • Incorporate physical activity, like going for a walk or hitting the gym, into your daily routine.
  • Schedule regular face-to-face meetings with friends and family to maintain social connections outside of online platforms.
  • Pursue hobbies or interests that you enjoy but that do not involve spending time on social media.
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation to help manage stress and reduce the urge to check social media constantly.

By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine, you can manage your time on Instagram without sacrificing other important aspects of your life. Additionally, this can help prevent feelings of loneliness and social isolation related to excessive social media usage, which can have negative impacts on mental health.

Instagram’s future outlook appears to be very positive, with the platform experiencing rapid growth in recent years. As of 2023, Instagram has over 1.4 billion monthly active users, and this number is expected to grow even more in the coming years.

One of the most significant trends on Instagram is video content consumption. Reels, a feature designed for short-form videos similar to TikTok, has seen exponential growth since its launch in 2020.

Another important trend shaping Instagram’s future is user-generated content (UGC). Influencers have been using UGC extensively for brand collaborations and advertisement campaigns.

In conclusion, Instagram’s impressive growth trajectory shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. Its parent company Facebook expects it will become increasingly profitable by adding new features while maintaining its entertainment factor and reputation as a leading social media platform among younger generations around the world.

Our Takeaway

In conclusion, the average time spent on Instagram is a valuable statistic for businesses and individuals alike. With users spending an average of 29 minutes daily on the app, understanding how to optimize content and engage with followers is essential.

While factors such as algorithm changes and content consumption habits can affect usage, Instagram remains one of the most popular social media platforms worldwide. As we continue to navigate the impact of COVID-19 on digital behaviors, finding ways to manage excessive social media use while taking advantage of its potential benefits is crucial for maintaining mental health and building relationships with brands or influencers.


How much time do people spend on social media?

According to the latest data, the average daily time spent on social media worldwide is approximately 2 hours and 25 minutes.

What is the average daily time spent on social media in 2023?

While it’s difficult to predict the future, data point to an increase in the time people spend on social media platforms. It is estimated that by 2023, the average daily time spent on social media will surpass 2 hours and 45 minutes.

Do people spend more time on TikTok than other social media channels?

TikTok is a rapidly growing social media platform, and it has been reported that users spend an average of 52 minutes per day on the app. However, other social media sites like Facebook and Instagram still have higher daily average usage rates.

How much time do we spend on social media in a lifetime?

The amount of social media usage can vary significantly from person to person. However, if we assume an average daily time spent of 2.5 hours, it can be estimated that a person will spend around 5 years and 4 months of their life on social media.

Which age group spends the most time on social media?

According to recent studies, young adults between the ages of 18-24 spend the most time on social media. However, social media usage has also increased among older age groups in recent years.

What is the daily average time spent on social media by social media users?

Social media users spend almost double the amount of time on social media than non-users. On average, social media users spend around 3 hours per day on social media sites.

What is the biggest social media platform in terms of daily average time spent?

Facebook is still the biggest social media platform in terms of daily average time spent. On average, users spend around 38 minutes per day on the site.

How much time do people who use social media spend on the app at least once per day?

Data indicate that people who use social media spend an average of 1 hour and 22 minutes per day on the app.

How much of our time is spent using social media?

The amount of time spent using social media can vary significantly depending on a person’s age, occupation, and lifestyle. However, on average, people spend around 13% of their waking hours on social media.

Is there a limit to how much time we spend on social media each day?

There are no universal limits to how much time we can spend on social media each day. However, it’s important to be aware of the potential negative effects of excessive social media usage and to balance social media time with other activities that are beneficial to physical and mental health.

James Allen, a finance enthusiast with 10+ years of experience, founded Billpin in 2020 to demystify personal finance. Inspired by his mother’s frugality and his own financial expertise, James aims to transform people’s relationship with money. Through this site, he provides easy-to-understand guides, empowering individuals to manage their finances effectively and take control of their financial future.

Content Disclaimer: Opinions expressed here are the authors alone, not those of any companies mentioned, and have not been reviewed, approved, or otherwise endorsed by any of these entities.

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